• Teikoku Gunjin No Hanagurui

    At the brothel district, where money is exchanged for relationships between males and females is where Ryuren, an esteemed imperial soldier, famous for his beauty meets Mingmei, a girl in training at the Colourful Jewel Brothel. His is heart drawn to her for her hatred of men and her “avenger's eyes”, and he offers to pay to get her out of bondage. This feeling that is more sure than love and won't fade away, turn it only towards me. A girl from an impoverished village × top soldier. A twisted and intense pure love romance!

    At the brothel district, where money is exchanged for relationships between males and females is where Ryuren, an esteemed imperial soldier, famous for his beauty meets Mingmei, a girl in training at the Colourful Jewel Brothel. His is heart drawn to her for her hatred of men and her “avenger's eyes”, and he offers to pay to get her out of bondage. This feeling that is more sure than love and won't fade away, turn it only towards me. A girl from an impoverished village × top soldier. A twisted and intense pure love romance!

  • 3D Material

    • 3D MaterialSuzushiro, a 19-year-old design student, was tired of living every day the same as the one before it, and that was why she agreed to give her virginity to Eiichi. He asked her in a bold and simple way; she replied simply, and there were no strings attached. Now, as Eiichi's eye wanders to Mizuno, a business student who's much cuter and more popular than Suzushiro, Suzushiro wants to know where she stands with Eiichi. • Angel's Hallway

    • 3D MaterialSuzushiro, a 19-year-old design student, was tired of living every day the same as the one before it, and that was why she agreed to give her virginity to Eiichi. He asked her in a bold and simple way; she replied simply, and there were no strings attached. Now, as Eiichi's eye wanders to Mizuno, a business student who's much cuter and more popular than Suzushiro, Suzushiro wants to know where she stands with Eiichi. • Angel's Hallway

  • 2 Dome no Koi wa Usotsuki

    Sumi has hopelessly loved Natsuki since she was 18. Now she's 28 years old, works at a cosmetics company, and has managed to miss out on most of her prime dating years by pining after one boy. One day, an interesting new cafeteria opens at Sumi's company, a 'garçon' style restaurant staffed by pretty young men. One of those men is Natsuki's younger brother, Satsuki! Satsuki knows about her long-standing crush, and teases her mercilessly. However, when she is crushed by the news of Natsuki's impending marriage, Satsuki helps her save face. Could there be something between Sumi and Satsuki, or is he just messing with her?

    Sumi has hopelessly loved Natsuki since she was 18. Now she's 28 years old, works at a cosmetics company, and has managed to miss out on most of her prime dating years by pining after one boy. One day, an interesting new cafeteria opens at Sumi's company, a 'garçon' style restaurant staffed by pretty young men. One of those men is Natsuki's younger brother, Satsuki! Satsuki knows about her long-standing crush, and teases her mercilessly. However, when she is crushed by the news of Natsuki's impending marriage, Satsuki helps her save face. Could there be something between Sumi and Satsuki, or is he just messing with her?

  • 24, 25

    In "24, 25," the main character reminisces about a girl she knew in high school. (from Lililicious)

    In "24, 25," the main character reminisces about a girl she knew in high school. (from Lililicious)
